35 years ago, today. That’s when my beautiful Elgielene became my wife. We zoomed up high in the Denver, Colorado skyline (for real) and shared our vows to stay together through come-what-may. Then, lo and behold, we’ve done it.
And when I say we’ve been through some amazing things together, it’s no exaggeration. Those amazing things included 2 years of living together “on the road” full-time as I played music all around America. Not quite from sea to shining sea. But certainly across the fruited plains and purple mountain majesty.
Not long after our road life started, we shared our first anniversary in Springfield, Illinois of all places. I had a booking at a very nice hotel there. And I spent most of the day before our anniversary on the stage and on my keyboard composing a love song present for my bride.
I wanted to show her that I understood what she had gone through before we got together. And I wanted her to know how much character it showed to put her heart out there for me after all that. Plus, I wanted to be sure she understood I’d make her my top earthly priority. So I wrote her this song and sang it for her, from the stage, that evening of our first anniversary. My mom had even come there to be part of the party. The song:
Someday One Day
Someday; I’ll make it all worth your while
For sharing my life and never losing your smile.
It’s not that easy, but you tough it out.
You keep within what you’re doing without.
And I swear…
Someday; I’ll make it all worth the wait.
With all you’ve been through, still you harbor no hate.
You could be bitter, but you choose to forgive.
You took the punches but you live and let live
And I swear…
Someday; I’ll make it easier
One day; I know our world will be fair
Someday; one day…we’ll get there
One day we’ll make them stand up and stare.
We’ll laugh at their doubts,
But we’ll remember to care.
And for believing, my heart’s in your hand.
You take in stride what almost no one can stand
And I swear…
repeat chorus…inst…repeat chorus to end
© 1991
Amazing to think the journey started 35 years ago.
Take a second and join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And, to show my sincere appreciation for your time and attention, I’ll send you download links to 2 of my books and 2 songs, right away, that grownups AND kids can enjoy. Then, I’ll do my best to encourage you to sing a new song with the power of God’s love.
Stay tuned,