Pete Rose died recently. I’m sure you know he was a famous baseball player who committed the cardinal sin of betting on baseball even as he managed the Cincinnati Reds. And if you know that, maybe you also know that Pete was a member of the 3000 hits club.
There are only 33 baseball players in the 3000 hits club.
So, when you think of how baseball players there have been since baseball officially starting keeping stats, that’s not many members. My guess is, it’s more than a little difficult to achieve membership in the 3000 hits club.
Just FYI, Ty Cobb and Pete Rose are also members of the 4000 hits club. And Pete leads all others with over 4200 hits. You could say there’s someone else who’s hit more, but I’m an American, so I only count Americans who played in American games. So there.
I’m not a pro sports fan anymore. I used to follow football. And I’ve been to a few major league baseball games. Beyond that the leagues don’t stay in business because of me, for sure.
But I’m not sharing baseball stats today to impress you with my sports trivia “knowledge.” No, I just realized, as I started this post, that I created my own 3000 hits club yesterday. Yeah, yesterday marked my 3000th post here on
If you’re a stats kinda person, that equals a post every day for over 8 years. But this little website of mine has been around longer than that. So, naturally I didn’t always write something every day. I only started that in recent years.
And if you’ve been around for a while, Thank YOU.
I appreciate your support more than you know. By the way, if you’ve got a sec, be sure to share my little corner of the world wide web with someone else. Tell them to join the growing body of believers who signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And let ’em know how they’ll get daily, delightful dashes of salt and flashes of light from the power of God’s love.
Well the power of the Word takes an ordinary bird
And it gives him songs to sing and wings to soar.
With the power of the Word, even when your vision’s blurred,
All your dreams will be fulfilled forevermore.
Stay tuned…