Thinking about being a minister of God? Well, here’s a checklist you might wanna run through to see if you’re willing to endure the marks of the ministry. See if you can truly say you are…
1. in much patience
2. in tribulations
3. in needs
4. in distresses
5. in stripes
6. in imprisonments
7. in tumults
8. in labors
9. in sleeplessness
10. in fastings
11. by purity
12. by knowledge
13. by longsuffering
14. by kindness
15. by the Holy Spirit
16. by sincere love
17. by the word of truth
18. by the power of God
19. by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left
20. by honor and dishonor
21. by evil report and good report
22. as deceivers, and yet true
23. as unknown, and yet well known
24. as dying, and behold we live
25. as chastened, and yet not killed
26. as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing
27. as poor, yet making many rich
28. as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
Those 28 “marks of the ministry” were spelled out by a man named Paul.
He had all 28…and possibly more. Yet, he had so much love and assurance for his Savior that he could still sing joyful songs in the midst of it all.
What about you? Are you able to think up a song of joy to sing or whistle or hum when things don’t go well? Do you point your eyes upward, keeping them on the Prize? Or do you let your circumstances dictate your actions? Is your joy based on you and your physical possessions? Say no, please.
You have a Creator who loves you so much He made a way for you to live forever with Him. But He didn’t make “many ways”. Jesus is the all-inclusive Way to eternal life. He is also the “stumbling block” to anyone who believes they can make their own way to Heaven. So, if you’re considering becoming (or you already are) a minister for God, remember the 28 marks of the ministry and the 1 “narrow gate” you must go through. Are you willing?
Stay tuned,
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(My regular emails about the essentials of life, AND some music and other good stuff, for Fa-Ree)