Hey there. Tony Funderburk here. And, yes, I write Christian books for kids. And a lot more, too. Now, I know my name isn’t exactly a household name. But I’m honored to be invited into tens of thousands of households each day. Because that’s how I can work on my mission to encourage you to read, learn, and sing a new song to God with the power of His Love.

And I accomplish my mission by writing Christian books for kids.

But that’s not all. You’ll find a Ton-O-FUN rhymes, songs, stories, and videos here, too. Like this:

Your email address is all it takes to get encouraging regular issues of my FunderFlash Journal. It comes directly to your inbox so you spend your valuable time reading instead of searching. And, to show my sincere appreciation for your time and attention, I’ll send you download links to 2 of my Christian books for kids and 2 songs, right away, that grownups AND kids can enjoy.

The Flash

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Flashes of Light

If and when you read through those thousands of pages, your brainwaves will fly through the FunderSphere and connect with Christian books for kids, rhymes, songs, stories, and videos. And don’t be surprised as you sing a new song to the one, true, living, loving Creator who made you.

And don’t worry if you have to go back to your regular world. Because the FunderSphere is always as close as your dreams and imagination. Those are superpowers God gave you when He put you together inside your mom. Your mind is the secret place where only you can find them.

And if you ever need help making the most of what God gave you, come visit me here. Who knows? Maybe I’ll have just the kind of books, music, and much more you want. Explore the links, and…

Stay tuned,

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