Do these sound like masculine traits? Decisiveness, assertiveness, and confidence? I think they certainly SHOULD sound like masculine traits. And I believe those traits can be instilled into boys in ways that help them develop leadership skills. Let me ask … Read the rest
Here’s something I didn’t learn from my Dad: It’s important that certain traits are taught alongside empathy. Because they foster respect for all genders and emotional intelligence which helps ensure that masculinity is not reduced to harmful stereotypes. And that … Read the rest
Here’s the three-step process a hypocrite uses to become one. Point finger. Say stuff. Play the sound of their own voice back in their head. Now. Who’s ready to start with step one? Point finger. Hmm. I see no hands … Read the rest
We will not comply. That’s a trending topic on X (aka: Twitter) this morning. Of course, that sentiment is appropriate so I clicked on the link to see what was being said about it. And the first thing I saw … Read the rest
Truth sets you free. It just does. It can also get you in a world of hurt. And even tossed into prison. Yes, even in this day and age. And even right here in the good ol’ U S of … Read the rest
If you’re a Christian, you know accidents happen. Right? Especially when Jesus, Himself, said they happen. And, by definition, miracles are rare. So, a baby isn’t a miracle. And things DO happen by chance. Again, Jesus, Himself, said they do. … Read the rest
There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s a fact of life. And death. Yeah, you’ll be a short time here on Earth but a long time gone, somewhere else. Or, maybe you think that a short time here repeats … Read the rest
As the “hallowed evening” fast approaches, I see souls scatter like startled roaches. Some parts of it are kinda funny. But most are like the “love of money.” Yeah, Halloween (Neewollah, as its known in Independence, Kansas) sure brings out … Read the rest
The Hollies sang about the symbiotic relationship between humans and plants. What? You didn’t know that? Well, then you obviously never heard them sing, “All I need is the air that I breathe” in one of their hit songs. Sorry … Read the rest
You’re probably never gonna grab a needle and thread and sew anything. So, on the surface, maybe what I’m about to say won’t interest you at all. But bear with me. Because I’m gonna connect a needle and thread to … Read the rest
Humans sure are stupid things. If you’re not a human, then you’re probably giggling to yourself, “You can say that again.” Ok, I will. Humans sure are stupid things. Now, I’m pretty sure you’re a human. Because as far as … Read the rest
Elgielene and I buy frozen blueberries. And we don’t thaw them out. Just thought I’d share that with you. Ha! No, I brought it up for a reason. And not because she says the frozen blueberries are like tiny, round … Read the rest