So, as I write this, there’s only one more week of March winds. Because there’s only one more week of March 2025. And as much as they’ve been blowing around here in the heart of the heartland, there oughta be … Read the rest
Category Archives: Rhyme and Reason
There I stood. In between the guitar player’s loud amp and the drummer’s crash cymbal. That’s where my equipment had been placed on a stage in front of business executives. Things had already fallen behind a bit. So, there was … Read the rest
Maybe he’s visited you in the middle of the night. Or the wee hours of the morning before the sun even starts to wake up. I hope not. Because he’s one of the darkest, meanest, sneakiest bad guys you’ll ever … Read the rest
Hey kiddos. Repeat after me. Metamorphosis. Wow. Now, that’s a word they should change into something easier to say. Right? Hey, wait a second. Eureka! That’s it! We could use the word, change. But metamorphosis is a drastic change. Like … Read the rest
She just wanted to grab a few things at the grocery store. But after she paid for the groceries, she went out the store’s front door and was hit in the face with a gust of wind filled with snow. … Read the rest
So, I reached the end of the comic book, but I kept reading. Because in the back of the magazine was a way to get a sea monkeys kit. And what blonde-haired, blue-eyed American boy wouldn’t want one of those? … Read the rest
Let’s climb into my time travel ship and zoom way, way back to 1964. And let’s fly over the hilly countryside of Eastern Kansas. Look way down there. See those two little ants? Wait. Let’s fly down a little lower. … Read the rest
It all started with a dream. An idea. Just some invisible thoughts in my head. Then, I wrote the thoughts down and they became words that I put into this little white box where you could see them. And that’s … Read the rest
There I was, in my grandparents’ living room. It was a hot, Oklahoma summer day. And my Dad and Uncle were putting a weird-looking box through a window. I didn’t know what it was, at the time, because I was … Read the rest
I read a blurb that said kids still like to do things kids have done for decades. Like turn a spoon into a spaceship. Or turn a cardboard box into a castle. But now kids do funny things online because…well, … Read the rest
“They” used to say, “Man, I’m on such a high right now,” when something made you big-time happy. And some said that when they inhaled certain kinds of smoke. But let’s not go there. The reason I brought it up … Read the rest
This world is getting darker and meaner every day. And there are fewer kids doing wholesome kid stuff with each passing year. But I think you’ll find that the sights and scents of a flower garden can still attract kids … Read the rest