Hey kiddos. Repeat after me. Metamorphosis. Wow. Now, that’s a word they should change into something easier to say. Right? Hey, wait a second. Eureka! That’s it! We could use the word, change. But metamorphosis is a drastic change. Like … Read the rest
Category Archives: creation science
We live in a world gone mad. Mad, I tell you! A world where people will say, with a straight face (inverted pun intended) that there are more than only two genders. And some will go so far as to … Read the rest
Several, if not most or all, search engines use something they call “predictive search” as you type in something you wanna find. And it’s actually pretty handy. For example, I started typing “nature is…” and one of the first results … Read the rest
Have you ever heard about a book that wrote itself? Or a website, with tons of pages, that just suddenly popped into existence all by itself? Yeah, no. You haven’t. And we can take that up a few trillion notches. … Read the rest
A lot of people, especially Christians, feel that Christmas is a time for giving. And I’m not here to tell you anything different. But if giving is the (or even a) measure of giving, then think about what an amazing … Read the rest
The Hollies sang about the symbiotic relationship between humans and plants. What? You didn’t know that? Well, then you obviously never heard them sing, “All I need is the air that I breathe” in one of their hit songs. Sorry … Read the rest
I’m a big fan of a popular singer named Nilsson. Well, he’s a former popular singer because he’s no longer with us here on terra firma. Anyway. Nilsson (aka: Harry Nilsson) understood that independence is an illusion. And he sang … Read the rest
Yeah, it’s true. Real scientists actually do still exist. But there are so many others I describe as “so-called scientists” that you won’t typically find the real ones on TV or radio. Thank goodness we have the internet for the … Read the rest
A long time ago isn’t worthy to be compared to a long time to come. Unless your future depends on you. Ok. I should probably explain that. Because, on the surface, it might sound like philosophical silliness. And I certainly … Read the rest
It’s truly your lucky day! Because, even though I didn’t think I’d ever share this secret again, I’m gonna show you the main ingredients you need in order to be master of the universe. And despite what you might have … Read the rest
Elgielene and I buy frozen blueberries. And we don’t thaw them out. Just thought I’d share that with you. Ha! No, I brought it up for a reason. And not because she says the frozen blueberries are like tiny, round … Read the rest
Let’s say, for the sake of starting a conversation about it, that you’re out in your back yard with kids. And let’s say, for the sake of setting up this little scenario a little more clearly, that a flower garden … Read the rest