You have enough to think about today. So, don’t add tomorrow’s worries to today. And that’s not just some anecdotal thing I came up with. It’s advice that can also be found in red letters in the Bible. (for those … Read the rest
Biblical knowledge is available to anyone who’s interested in finding out more. And the key points, and truth, of the Bible are easy enough to understand that even a child can learn about the love of our Creator. And that’s … Read the rest
Once upon a time, way back in the dark ages, when men and women only knew how to grow food and build their own houses, they used to believe men were men and women were women. Of course, they suffered … Read the rest
A lot of people, especially Christians, feel that Christmas is a time for giving. And I’m not here to tell you anything different. But if giving is the (or even a) measure of giving, then think about what an amazing … Read the rest
Sunday. A day of peace and quiet. Yeah, maybe that’s true for you. But the world is filled with horrible, terrible things that humans are doing to other humans even as you read this. So, still ready to enjoy some … Read the rest
You’re getting a treat. I’m gonna share The Ten Commandments 2.0 for Liberals, Re-publicans, and Legalists with you. And these aren’t written in stone (that I know of), so get a grain of salt handy. These were shared many moons … Read the rest